Portsea hotel wedding of adele and steven

It was so lovely being able to share the day with Adele and Steven at their gorgeous Portsea Hotel wedding! These two brought such a fun group of people together for the day making the whole wedding day such a delight for their guests. Adele and Steven both began the day with immediate family and their bridal party present as the prepared themselves for the day ahead. continued below…

The pair married in the beautiful St Thomas church, a gorgeous weather board church in Portsea. I love how they brought along the gorgeous Mietta to sing a few songs for their guests as they mingled pre and post ceremony.  Such a lovely idea, especially   especially   for the family photos. Following the family photos and a chat with guests we headed to a favourite location of the couple for a wander around the National Park before we showed the bridal party one of our favourite Mornington Peninsula locations for a walk on the beach. All too soon it was time to rejoin guests, watch the sunset and listen to little wolf play as Adele , Steven and all of the guests had an absolutely ball. Thank you for having us along to capture your gorgeous wedding day. Shannon.

Venue: Portsea Hotel

Church: St Thomas Catholic Church Portsea

Dress: Evie Young via Luv Bridal

Florals: Lucy D Green

Hair: Hary May

Makeup: SJR Makeup


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